Higgins Hotel Photos

Available for Download
Our most recent collection of high quality photos of the new Higgins Hotel and Conference Center can be found below. These photos, by professional photographer Jeff Johnson represent a full range of public spaces, guest rooms and entertainment venues within the hotel. We ask that credit be given as Higgins Hotel NOLA for any photos used. Food shots are the creation of our Chef Virgile Brandel.
Awards & Accolades

- Select Photography:
- Property
- Food & Beverage
- Meetings & Events
- Exteriors
- Patriots Circle Lounge
- Public Spaces
- Rooms
- Logos

Food & Beverage
- Café Normandie
- Kilroy's Bar & Lounge
- Provisions
- Rosie's on the Roof
- Highlights
- Rosies Sept. 22 Menu

Meetings & Events
For a full 360 degree view of the Higgins and its meeting spaces, click here for a TruTour experience
- meetings
- weddings receptions